Celebrating The Fourth of July with an illuminating bang! #potagergarden #4thofjuly #independenceday

1 year ago

Celebrating Liberty…with a bang!
The Fourth of July is celebrated with a great deal of excitement in the Little House! Everyone from the furry babies to the leafy folk are adorned with a bit of patriotic finery before friends and family arrive for an evening of celebration filled with food, cold drinks, laughter and fireworks!
The fireworks are the highlight of the Pixies celebration and so the bigger and brighter the better!
The Golden Pixie would prefer them to be silent, she confided, but she supposed that was impossible….with all that exploding.
I assured her it was…
So, out of curiosity, we did a bit of investigation into the origins of the fireworks and were surprised to find they had sprouted to life (literally) and had quite an ancient tale to tell.
We hope you will enjoy it as much as we did…😊
Happy 4th of July to all of you, from all of us in the Little House!
If you haven’t already, please consider liking our video and subscribing to our channel as it helps us continue to grow…in more than one way!
See you soon!

Video and Images
Fire Background 1/ Courtesy of Videvo
Explosion and Smoke 3/ Courtesy of Videvo
Pyrotechnia or, a discourse of artificiall fire-works ... Whereunto is annexed a short treatise of geometrie/Babington, John, active 1635/https://archive.org/details/b30320380/page/n51/mode/2up

Kikoru/American Flag/ Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Jo Wandrini/Dawn Of Civilization/ Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Brightarm Orchestra/United We Stand/ Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
US Navy Band/Yankee Doodle/ Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

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