Neil Oliver & Dan Wootton Discuss Nigel Farage's 'De-Banking'.

1 year ago

The possibility that the intelligence services & MI5, may have been involved in Nigel Farage having his bank accounts cancelled. It has also happened to a number of other people, simply because they have spoken out against certain agendas.
This is nothing short of accusing people of thought crimes. The thin edge of the wedge of a Chinese style social credit system.
A year or 2 ago, if we'd have said this would happen, we'd just be called Conspiracy Theorists or Tin foil hatters. But here we are once again with another one which has come true.
Hopefully now this is all over the news, the banks will have a rethinking of their policies.
Never has there been a more urgent time to keep cash alive, any way we can.
Duration - 6mins.

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