Indiana Jones 5 Review - An Anti American DISASTER | Another Awful Disney FLOP

1 year ago

Indiana Jones 5 Review - An Anti American DISASTER | Another Awful Disney FLOP indiana Jones 5 Review - An Anti American Disaster . Disney Lucasfilm Indiana Jones 5 Disaster continues with the release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. It turns out that Kathleen Kennedy's movie was bad as expected but that it also featured some strange agendas including an Anti American Agenda ? anti american messaging in time for the 4th of july ? Anti American Propaganda in time for july 4th too ? This is of course just the opinion of Price of Reason (DYOR) but in this video, Price of Reason explains why the movie is a box office flop and why the message is very annoying. Price of Reason also gives a more traditional Indiana Jones 5 Review today and a full messaging analysis of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Will Kathleen Kennedy be fired amidst Indiana jones and the dial of destiny massive flop? This all happens after indiana Jones 5 Disaster SUFFERS New York BACKLASH in subway ads with More BAD News for Kathleen Kennedy @ Lucasfilm . Indiana Jones 5 DISASTER Just Got WORSE | Harrison Ford CONFIRMS Kathleen Kennedy's Lucasfilm Agenda . Indiana Jones Disaster Disney Disaster . Just when you think it couldn't get any worse for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny the movie is a box office bomb. Why did Lucasfilm decide to make Indy a useless loser bum ? Why is phoebe waller bridge so insufferable as Helena Shaw ? How did Teddy fly a plane to ancient Rome ? How did indy get back to present day ? Was the final scene with marion ravenwood and sallah a hasty reshoot ? is that why director james mangold had a meltdown ? What was the hidden meaning behind voller ? How did the dial of destiny help travel through time ?

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