Star Justice Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Star Justice Energy Vlog title is from the Date July, 3,2023, thus we have #17 The Star card with its hope and clarity of vision.
The justice card is from the amplitude power of 11 at 11:15 AM UTC. Thus we have Strength bravely leading us to Justice card which we want to be fair Balanced and wise. The Schumann Resonance today disclosure site had a quality power was 7.90, thus #16 The Tower card a falling away of that which no longer serves our highest good. The frequency average was 7.98 hertz, thus we have 24 or #6 the Lovers card, a harmonious love affair, a partnership and Intuition to yo9ur loves mind. Taking this all together we have: The Stars clearly seeing a vision of Justice as the tower crashes that the lovers will need a new place to stay. The Space Weather news Site showed Us a Small CME though the X ray flux chart got into the X class flare range. The Solar wind density was up to 10 protons The solar wind speed was at 380 Kilometers per second (KPS).#11 The Justice card again. The Kp index was in the green and all was calm the geomagnetic activity started at 1.75 average. it then went to One then .75 back to one which it maintained for nine hours taking us to 3:00 PM UTC where the average went to .75 average .
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News Site:

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