1 year ago

Do you want to realize your freedom by focusing on your True Purpose, thereby exit this Matrix?

Purpose ( or Projects) will be assesed and resourced based on one's true and highest excitement / passion not on organizational projects that comes from merely belonging to an organization .

Check out the links below and determine whether the process below could assist you.

Please go to :

1. below :

2. THEN check out

3. Go to BBS radio and search for PROJECT REVIEW WITH Q. It's a 1 hour live radio show taking place every Saturday at 6.00 EST to 7 PM EST. No cost for listening.

This can be found at :

4 . FINALLY to have an actual consultation on your purpose ( or project) with Q you MUST subscribe to the PROJECT REVIEW WITH Q SHOW indicated in 3 above . The Cost is very low.

5. Once you have submitted your Purpose ( project) and put it into a relevant category, please submit it to

6. Wait for a group calender booking / appointment where you as well as others, will be asked to present your Purpose ( project) .

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