Nunchaku Solid Aluminum [Happy July 4Th 2023!]Added Music(StreamBeats)

1 year ago

[Special Notice I have Been practicing and training with Nunchakus for over a combined 30 years , these solid Aluminum Nunchakus I advised for someone to have practiced with foam or wooden Nunchakus for at lest 5 years before training with Nunchakus like these solid Aluminum Nunchakus they are very heavy , and can cause a lot damage and severe injuries or even possible death , I lightly hit the side of my head at one time and it hurt a lot.And I don't want anyone to get hurt including me , so I do advise great caution when using Nunchakus especially very heavy one like these Solid Aluminum ones in this video] A July 4th show of some swinging Nunchakus , with some Nunchakus ,music From StreamBeats, and a Strobe light , that is Flash Light , and near the end of this video two small wooden Nunchakus are swung as well in this July 4Th Show( Again Happy July 4Th Everyone )

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