Softbank failed at investing in artificial intelligence

1 year ago

Softbank failed at investing in artificial intelligence
Softbank invested in just one of 26 generative AI startups valued at more than $1 billion.
At the June annual meeting, Masayoshi Son pledged to be at the forefront of the AI field, but he has a history of making bad bets.
Even with vast war chests of investor money, it is difficult to pick winner. Most of the AI frenzy has directed money at Microsoft, Meta, and Nvidia rather than startups. SoftBank invested $4 billion into Nvidia in 2017, only to sell the shared in 2019. The price of Nvidia has multiplied by ten since then.
The AI boom has had little effect on the portfolio of SoftBank despite it backing dozens of startups.
The only material benefit SoftBank has had from AI is the purchase of ARM in 2016 for $32 billion, but this purchase was almost 9 years ago. ARM is valued at about $60 billion today. There have been hundreds to technology stocks that have doubled between 2016 and now. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Essentially my argument that this man, as well as Cathie Wood, can not tell the future, especially regarding disruptive stocks like technology.
Works Cited:
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