What High-Performers Do Differently | Justin Roethlingshoefer

1 year ago

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In this episode, Brad and Justin discuss stress and how it affects you and how you can conquer it to become a high performer.

Justin is the co-founder of Own It Coaching, a multiple seven-figure coaching company that applies this health and performance philosophy to clients ranging from NHL stars, to Fortune 500 executives, to entrepreneurs looking to take that next step and level up. Whether in his coaching, writing, or speaking, Justin is well-regarded for his ability to take complex scientific topics and distill them into practical, applicable action steps. He has a rare combination of the ability to understand the science of sports performance, sleep, and recovery on a deep level, while being able to translate and distill the complex topics into a from others can actually use.

-We earn our diseases or we earn our health.

Learn more about Justin here: https://OwnItCoaching.com
Check out Own It RV: https://OwnItHRV.com

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