Happy Independence Day from the American Firearms Association

1 year ago

#july4th #independenceday

On this day, 247 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the world that America was no longer a puppet of England, but a sovereign nation!

During the run-up to the 4th of July, private individuals and loose affiliations of people began to purchase and store weapons fearing all-out war with England.

Hearing that everyday men and women were arming themselves, the British commander sent troops to seize the weapons, sparking the battle of Concord which only accelerated the rush to the Revolutionary War.

While that took place almost 250 years ago, we still have gun grabbers in this country seeking to put an end to private ownership of weapons that you and I use as defense against criminals and tyrants.

But thankfully, we still have people willing to take action to defend their right to defend themselves, too!

That is our mission here at the American Firearms Association

Have a great 4th of July!

Fight for your Second Amendment rights, Join AFA!


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