SafetySunday Vape Battery Tips For Beginners

1 year ago

Welcome to SafetySunday
~A featurette of products, artwork & vapeadvice regarding battery safety, advice and general education for beginning ecigarettes users.

Today I'm featuring something very special.
Wick'D Official
2023 MEGA Bundle Battery Wraps
2023 Wick'D Build Mats

HUGE Shout-out to my friend RJ Wick'd .
Keep up the great work your doing and passion you have. It's inspiring others and leaving a positive impact on the vape community

Also featured:
~Odb Wraps - Topo wrap (black)
Luv you guys!

~billetboxusa - 2022 - Peacock
Bluish Greeny Purple Billetbox

Thanks everyone for the support,
Likes , Follows and Comments.

Really means alot to me to have the support and friends I have within the vapeworld
Y'all are my family and I luv ya.


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