Gen. MacArthur as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army

11 months ago

Reel 1 (sd.), Part 1 (Paramount News), MacArthur is decorated by Sec. Dern in 1935. Part 2 (Movietone News), he speaks on Philippine independence. Parts 3-5 (Paramount Sound News), Fr. troops pass in review at Rheims. MacArthur speaks on the French position in Europe. Chief of Staff Summerall resigns at Ft. Myer; new Chief MacArthur is greeted by Sec. Hurley in 1930. He speaks on military preparedness. Reel 2 (si. Austrian film entitled "Aus dem leben des osterr Bundesheeres"), MacArthur views Austrian maneuvers, bridge construction activities, and memorial services at a cemetery.

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