The mRNA vax coerces the body to produce toxins & literally transforms parts of you into an alien

1 year ago

Dr Thomas Binder: The modRNA and DNA "vaccines" against SARS-CoV-2, which are not vaccines but gene therapies, literally turn (parts of) your organs into "transplanted organs" that are rejected by your immune system.

By the proven contamination with functional bacterial DNA they can do this for years and maybe even for your whole life. And there is a considerable risk that you even hand down this gene therapy to your offspring.

"Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is working on transferring all vaccinations to the modRNA “vaccine” platform. It is doing so, though just being able to count and to distinguish foreign from self, even having a trace of intelligence, is enough to realise that the modRNA vaccine platform is totally nonsensical and life-threatening.

Its two fundamental flaws are the injection of the construction plan for a protein foreign to the body without having any control over which body cells will produce it, in what dose and for how long, and the fact that the cells who are coerced to produce this foreign protein and then present it on their surface will be mistakenly recognized by our immune system as foreign, thus destroyed, much like the rejection of a foreign organ transplanted into you.

The alleged modRNA "vaccination" coerces your body to produce a toxin in unknown dose and for an unknown period of time and literally transforms parts of you into an alien. Therefore, the entire modRNA vaccine platform must be banned immediately!"

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