The New Arrival Phase - The Galactic Federation of Light - Todd Bryson

11 months ago

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Greetings dear ones, ascension, in its essence, is a deeply intimate and individual experience. It's an evolution of the soul, a blossoming of one's spiritual self. Each path to ascension is as unique as the person who walks it. There are no identical journeys, as each of us has our own set of experiences, learnings, and insights that shape us and our understanding of the universe.

Yet, while ascension is a personal journey, it is intrinsically linked to the collective consciousness. As we ascend, we don't merely elevate ourselves; we contribute to the evolution of all humanity. Like a single note in a grand symphony, each individual's growth harmonizes with others, creating a melody of collective expansion.

The beauty of this concept lies in its duality. On one hand, it emphasizes the importance of individual spiritual growth. On the other, it underscores our interconnectedness and the collective impact of our individual journeys.

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