Episode #34 (Pt. 1) Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr. Andre Van Mol, MD.

1 year ago

What do the Pushers of the grand ruse called the Trans Movement fear most? Professionals being willing to speak out against the lies and deception, especially expert medical professionals, who are driven to counter to false Trans "Affirming Care" scheme, leaving thousands of miners, with untreated mental health issues, sterilized and amputated, by unethical doctors and surgeons.

In Part 1 of this important interview, Jon K. Uhler, LPC and Co-host, Ann Gillies, PhD, interviews surgeon, Dr. Andre Van Mol, who does a brilliant job unmasking the lie being pushed onto troubled minors and their families, called "the Affirmative Care model", being foisted upon gender-confused minors. As a surgeon with years of experience in real life saving medicine, he is speaking out, to awaken all good people to the lies being pushed by the Trans Activists and certain unscrupulous politicians, which are setting troubled young people up for being medicalized, sterilized, and amputated.

UnMaskingTheTransMovement YouTube Channel: @UnMaskingTheTransMovement

This special edition of the program (Episode #34) of UnMaskingTheTransMovement, can be found at the following:
Website: https://unmaskingthetransmovement.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UnMaskingTheTransMovement
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/A4hrxxF6h3sP/

(Pt 1)There is NO such thing as a "Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
(Pt 2)There's NO such thing as a "Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Pt. 1 The Dangers of so-called "Gender Affirming Care".
Pt. 2. The Dangers of so-called "Gender Affirming Care" Jenny Kyng, RN,

The first interview between Jon K. Uhler, LPC and Alix Aharon, of the Gender Mapping Project, can be access here:
(Pt. 1) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 2) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 3) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following: https://www.survivorsupport.net/the-trans-deceeption

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:

Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Jon K. Uhler's websites:

Jon K. Uhler's Blog:

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be accessed at: https://www.survivorsupport.net/copy-of-recently-updated

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