am i a stupid person cos i enjoy being on the lowest rung

1 year ago

don't chu love that crap tree
i just brushed my harr, rare occurrence as you probably already know
why is evil necessary
yawl know how much i hate technology
am i a total piece a shit driving a mini cooper bitching about capitalism
my parents have always taken care of me
working in restaurants for a long ass time
making more $ wouldn't make me happier esp if the job sucks
i legit enjoy my restaurant job
is that settling to actually be content
i spy: enterprise truck
i am very blessed to be able to live my kinda life
this time is very stressful
i'm sorry thelonious i am still female
they're also boomers, taking care of their kids at any age
i was also a liberal so...
i tend to reject any attempts at other people trying to control me (also why i am soooooo bad at romantic and sometimes regular ass relationships)
borderlines...real or perceived abandonment FLIP OUT
narcissists...real or perceived criticism FLIP OUT
schizos...real or perceived control FLIP OUT
get outta sitch or disassociate
i am quite incorrigible due to the disassociative state as well as the fuck all swagger
they will pay attention to whatever they're told and then move on
resistant as freud would say cos we go at our own pace and are not easily swayed by societal bullshit
people get totally swept away by their social status
i guess it's a hard wiring in west civ which cultivates that pissing contest
why would evil have to be necessary
this is true about the system as well
why did we allow society to get this pathetic
people so useless so naturally they rely on a system just as useless
so few willing to do the work
people dunno how to be around somebody who is emotional and fine with it, not playing victim or lying about their state of mind
i can only assume that they either never have done it or attempted and got too scared of themselves

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