~Love and Light~ Plan of Love and Light

1 year ago

the mind creates time and space and time and space find oneness in the mind where it is joined in union and oneness. In the mind, time and space become timeless and spaceless. Within the infinite there is no time and no space when the mind is at rest. In the same token when there is completion of matter and energy there is love and love holds both together, and when there is love only then matter and energy disappear and the karma is forgiven as it cannot exist in a love field.

The time cell is a mind cell or a thought form that is based on a grid structure that allows for being to exist in an architecture that holds the paradigm of thought. To be empowered, this time cell has another attribute as shown by the figure eight connecting it and creating infinity. For there to be movement between one time cell and another time cell, there needs to be a love being. This love being or heart center is created when matter and energy are balanced by heart energy, which is love.

In this stream that is created by the interplay between mind and heart, the space/time grid and the matter energy engine motivate this stream of being. There is another activation that is connective of the greater being as all things exist within a triangular relationship. There is also spirit and soul that operate in opposite polarities and there is light that gathers it together. So the light of spirit and the light of soul are harmonized. The golden light of soul and the white light of spirit are brought together in the clear light of the purity of all being and source. Through understanding the invisible color of purity of being that is transparent and crystalline shining order, all the reflections are perfectly manifested into holographic symmetry. This creates the sacred trinity that is in effect the fundamental architecture of being and how the polarities dissolve into oneness and how they move back and forth between infinite expressions of the divine.

When looking at the other elements and using love as a point of grid alignment between two polarities, the other polarities are matter and energy. It can also be understood where matter can appear as magnetism and energy as electromagnetism. This is the positive, negative, and neutral components of the electrical systems. In all of these systems you will find that there is a synthesis of the two. So with time and space mind is the synthesis, and in the matter and energy system love is the synthesis.
~Love and Light~

Plan of Love and Light

Transcribed by Ascenddani
Proof Read by genie6

Teachers of Light

When the Teachers of Light speak they speak about the important issues within the being. The important issues are not the instances of time and space realities of the issues within the world at large. They are the intentions and the greater energies within those intentions. The world is headed into a transformative time that is brought about by the intentions to see the contrast between abundance and scarcity. The intentions are there to open up into a brighter light, a brighter vision of the future. Everything that is being done is being done by a larger plan of Love and Light. In this is the only stream of being and that stream of being is of well being.

Those that are working in the manner of affecting change are creating it in an unconscious and subconscious and super-conscious manner. The level of activity on the conscious level is quite unaware of these other activities that are occurring. In the process of the acceleration of time, which is a compression of time and the reduction of space, in understanding the issues of moving in the realm of the Galactic Center, in following the course of an alignment with the Central Sun, there is an empowerment of all beings through a centering effect. This centering effect creates a compression or a vortex within each being who operate as a holographic center with an omni-centric point of being. The omni-centric point of being is the consciousness that is aware of itself within its Now, within an ever expanding Now point.

This point of Now is the consciousness, the sentience, the being's awareness of its own essence. In each case all beings are aware of this Central Pillar of Being. This I Am, the point, the Adam, the seen Self, the Central Sun, and that which empowers the word and action, the Logos, the center of who you are. In this center of being you are aware of your life, and in your life is Light. Light is what emanates through you and what you create. You are a Being of Light.

We are the Teachers of Light and we are the Wayshowers who use Light to show the way, and to show the way along the lighted pathway, which is the stream of Light which moves into the future. It moves into the future in a way that is multidimensional. It moves into the possibilities of futures.

The possibilities of different time streams, of different choices that are made and taken through the effects of the present understanding that is created through a series of thought forms that are manifested by your being and by your creative energy.The creative energy that you possess is to create Light, and in creating Light, you are this Being of Light that has an energetic impulse to love. And this energetic impulse to love is centered in the Heart. The Heart is what feels. The mind is what sees. And together they feel and they see. And there is coming an interchange where the Heart will see and the mind will feel. And this interchange is necessary so that the Light may transcend upward and into a higher consciousness so that your being will be able to exist in many dimensions at once, where it is not limited by the time/space grids that are presently being compressed through the action of the planetary alignment and the Galactic Central movements that are in present awareness.

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