July 1st, 2023 BALAK-Shabbat

1 year ago

This portion, God was showing off His people and mocking the enemy using a donkey. Yes, this is the famous righteous donkey that talked. The enemy in this Torah portion was Balak and Bil'am. Balak was the king of Moab. Bil'am was a powerful Midianite psychic who also heard from Elohim (God). Balak was trying to hire Bil'am to curse the Children of Israel. Bil'am, out of a limited fear of God, lead by instructions of God, blessed the Children of Israel four times. Those blessings were prophecies not only for the Children of Israel but also for all of us joined to Israel's covenants through faith in Y'shua our Messiah. Check out this video. If your would like the notes, email me, Rabbi Elliot Hass (kolharuach@gmail.com), a request of the particular portion with an email to send it to and I will send it to you.

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