Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2 (1st Arc) - All Attacks [Show Case]

1 year ago

Games: Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2
Platform: PlayStation 3 / PlayStation 4 / PS Vita / PC (Steam)
Genres: JRPG / Turn based
Languages: English
Dubbing: Japanese & English

Compilation with all attacks from the 1st Cold Steel arc, with all playable, important and bosses characters, including all magics and even the Soldat Panzer units.

Physical version import link:

Links to purchase gift cards from different regions:
* PSN: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/playstation_network/14/711z3?tagid=1005120
* Eshop: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/nintendo_eshop/14/711z7?tagid=1005120
* Live: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/xbox_live/14/711z5?tagid=1005120

Video Points:
01) Begin: 00:00
02) Class VII attacks: 00:10
02.01) Rean Schwarzer: 00:14
02.02) Alisa Reinford: 01:37
02.03) Elliot Craig: 03:06
02.04) Gaius Worzel: 04:41
02.05) Laura S. Arseid: 05:51
02.06) Fie Claussell: 06:51
02.07) Jusis Albarea: 07:59
02.08) Machias Regnitz: 09:11
02.09) Emma Millstein: 10:28
02.10) Sara Valestein: 12:04
02.11) Millium Orion: 13:10
02.12) Crow Armbrust (Pistol Attacks): 14:30

03) Thors Personnel Attacks: 15:29
03.1) Angelica Rogner: 15:34
03.2) Towa Herschel: 16:12
03.3) Minor Characters: 17:05

04) Important Characters: 19:23
04.01) Elise Schwarzer: 19:28
04.02) Alfin Reise Arnor: 19:57
04.03) Toval Randonneur: 2049
04.04) Claire Rieveldt: 21:34
04.05) Sharon Kreuger: 22:28
04.06) Butler Klaus: 23:21
04.07) Victor S. Arseid: 23:39

05) Crossbell State Characters Attacks: 24:11
05.1) Lloyd Bannings: 24:15
05.2) Rixia Mao: 24:55

06) Bosses Attacks: 25:36
06.01) G - Gildon: 25:40
06.02) V - Vulcan: 25:55
06.03) S - Scarlet: 26:40
06.04) Crow Armbrust (Dual-Blade Attacks): 27:18
06.05) Altina Orion: 28:14
06.06) Vita Clotilde: 29:01
06.07) Xeno: 30:13
06.08) Leonidas: 31:03
06.09) Blueblanc: 31:40
06.10) Duvalie: 32:31
06.11) Mcburn: 33:16

07.1) Water Arts: 34:11
07.2) Fire Arts: 34:56
07.3) Wind Arts: 35:35
07.4) Earth Arts: 36:15
07.5) Space Arts: 36:57
07.6) Mirage Arts: 37:40
07.7) Time Arts: 38:23
07.8) Lost Arts: 39:02

08) Soldat Phazer Battles: 41:18

* Shin Reviews: https://shin-reviews.com/
@NISAmerica @FalcomMusicChannel @NihonFalcomSince1981

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