Learn English troughr ⭐ Story Level 3 — Elone Musk —Graded Reader /

11 months ago

Title: Elon Musk
Level: Story Level 3
Once upon a time in South Africa, there lived a young boy named Elon Musk. Elon was a dreamer who was always fascinated by technology and outer space. He loved to read books and learn about new inventions.
Elon's imagination soared as he read science fiction novels and watched movies about space exploration. He dreamed of a future where humans could travel to other planets and live among the stars.
As Elon grew older, his passion for technology only intensified. He enrolled in a computer programming course and quickly became proficient in coding. He realized that programming was a powerful tool that could change the world.
After finishing school, Elon decided to move to the United States to pursue his dreams. He started his first company called Zip2, which provided business directories and maps for newspapers. The company was a success, and Elon sold it for a significant amount of money.
With the money he earned, Elon founded another company called X.com, an online payment system. This company later became PayPal, which revolutionized online transactions. Elon's innovative ideas and determination propelled him to success once again.
However, Elon's ultimate goal was to make space travel more accessible to everyone. In 2002, he founded SpaceX, a private aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company. With SpaceX, Elon aimed to reduce the cost of space exploration and eventually enable the colonization of other planets.
Elon's ambition did not end there. He also had a vision for a sustainable future. In 2004, he became the chairman of Tesla Motors, an electric car manufacturer. Elon believed that electric vehicles were the key to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change.
Throughout his career, Elon faced numerous challenges and setbacks. However, his determination and belief in his vision pushed him forward. He constantly pushed the boundaries of technology and innovation, even when others doubted him.
Today, Elon Musk is known as one of the most influential entrepreneurs and inventors of our time. His companies have transformed industries, and his ideas continue to shape the future. Elon's dream of space exploration is becoming a reality with SpaceX's successful launches and plans for missions to Mars.
Elon Musk's story teaches us the importance of following our passions and never giving up on our dreams. He shows us that with hard work, determination, and innovative thinking, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
Fascinated - very interested or attracted
Imagination - the ability to create new ideas and pictures in your mind
Proficient - skilled or competent in doing something
Revolutionized - radically changed or transformed
Propelled - pushed or driven forward
Accessibility - the quality of being easily reached, used, or understood
Colonization - the act of establishing a colony or settling in a new area
Ambition - a strong desire to achieve something
Sustainable - able to be maintained or continued over a long period of time
Setbacks - obstacles or difficulties that hinder progress.

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