GTA ONLINE : CastTerror Solo Fight (Remastered)

1 year ago

Apr 4, 2017
Still My Most Favorite Video Of Them All!
I got used to ShareFACTORY editing now so here's a better version :)

Was Having A Normal Day, Just Wanted To Spend Time With My Crew-Mates Until Someone Had To Ruin It....

Due to some unfortunate misunderstandings, {XXXX} and {MTF/BUCK} had a war
BUCK easily beat XXXX and the leader thought I was an "OPP" so they had me removed/kicked from {XXXX} crew
However, I was lucky enough to get recruited and become an official member of {MTF/BUCK} because the leader (Founder) was willing to accept me in

There was a person named "A1GuSTy" who didn't like me and wanted me to get kicked because he thought I wouldn't be an asset to the crew and would cause even more problems in the future, but luckily others in the crew told him to back off and give me a second chance

During my stay in {MTF/BUCK} I noticed how many of the crew mates respect each other and help everyone all the time if someone is getting jumped/ganged up on

I never got a chance to help my crew by myself but during the day I recorded this video, I saw a person kill many of our members and I took that opportunity to show how I can help my new crew all by myself!

Thank you Founder, for believing in me....unlike that dummy LeeRoy_Jenkins
Shout Out To - Money Task Force [BUCK]

Money Task Force (BUCK) Channel -
Song Used -

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