Look Up! (13) : Israel and the Second Coming continued. . .

1 year ago

Jesus told us specific signs to look for before His return and they will occur exactly how and when He said. The final event, which is actually the final sign of His Second Coming, is the repentance of Israel and their reception of Jesus as Messiah - whom as a nation they have rejected for nearly 2000 years. At very moment when they are about to be completely wiped out by the armies of the Antichrist, they call on Him to save them and repent of their unbelief. And He does! On, the mercy of God! As Isaiah prophesied, He will wash and rinse away their sin of shedding His Blood . .

What God is going to do with Israel in the End is what He has already made available for us now. Repent and believe the Good News about Jesus! Your sins will be washed away and you will become a new creation in Christ . .

Pastor Nicholas

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