1 year ago

Aloha! Happy Blessed Independence Day!

Scripture reminds us how deceitful the heart is..then reminds us how JUST the LORD is and FAITHFUL HE IS to HIS WORD! When there is great darkness - we, who have Faith in God in Jesus Christ, trust His Word, and Know His Spirit and have Fellowship With Him - DO NOT WALK IN THAT DARKNESS, BUT RATHER - WE, BECAUSE OF THE LIGHT OF CHRIST JESUS IN US - ARE - THE ONLY TRUE LIGHT THAT THE WORLD WILL SEE - AND WILL SEE ONLY IF THEY SO CHOOSE TO SEE IT!

The LORD searches our hearts and tests( our souls (minds: motivations, thoughts, emotions), then HE gives to each of us the appropriate harvest - according to our ways and the fruits (results) of our labor (deeds; actions).

Where is YOUR heart today? Do NOT Focus on the darkness - STAY FOCUSED ON THE LIGHT!
(Key Scripture References: Jeremiah 17:9-10, 19-21)

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