Parashat Pinchas: Numbers 25:10–30:1 – What Does Hashem Desire?

10 months ago

This week’s Torah Portion: Parashat Pinchas is found in Numbers 25:10—30:1. Join David as he studies the righteous and zealous act of Pinchas that led him to be elevated to elected to Kohen Gadol (High Priest) after his father Eleazar. We ultimately learn of what Hashem truly desires, and that is for us to draw closer to Him. One of the beautiful vehicles through which we can accomplish this is through prayer – an act performed through spoken words and intentions of the heart that mirrors the Mishkan (Tabernacle) service performed by the Kohanim (priesthood). Moreover, in the Brit Chadashah, we see that prayer is such a powerful vehicle that Yeshua made it an important part of his life.

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