Fishing A New River & Matching The Hatch For Success / Mixed Bag River Fishing In Michigan

1 year ago

According to google this was supposed to be a good river for trout fishing. I wasn't expecting to get into a lot of trout mid summer but was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the bass and pike fishing on this river. Unfortunately the only fish i didn't get on video was the last one of the day and it was a monster largemouth. possibly the biggest iv'e hooked in years maybe even ever. I had my thumb in its mouth and it still got away :(

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Reel Michigan Anglers is a source for entertaining and educational fishing videos from fishing for carp and catfish to salmon and steelhead. From tiny creeks to the main rivers that drain to the great lakes we are out there learning to fish for new species in new waters. From ponds to the largest inland lakes on in the entire USA Michigan Fishing is special and unique and Reel Michigan Anglers is here to share a slice of Michigan in every fishing video. You can also expect to find some fishing gear reviews as well as educational fishing videos and how to videos for all different species of fish. It does not stop there. Reel Michigan Anglers is also an online tackle shop and tackle company. We make a variety of fishing lures but specialize in jigs for steelhead and trout fishing. check out to see our selection!

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