Ha Shem Kadosh - What did MOSES say?

11 months ago

Psalm 46:10
Ha (the) Shem (Name) Kadosh (Holy)
Moshe (Moses)
Hi-Ne-Ni (hee-nay-nee)
Full video:
The Name of the LORD Encountered - with Keith Johnson
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x2ivy9o3qk >
(Filmed at the "Upper Room", in South Carolina)
Outside photo shot of building shown @ 4:45
Added background music;
Alpha Waves - by Meditative Vibes
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bsggpb5f5g >

What is God's Holy Name? Yehovah
Although I have it on good (angelic) authority that it is pronounced more like YAHoUAH

His holy name has always been right in front of us.
ZecharIAH, Mount MorIAH, MessIAH, HalleluYAH.
There never has been any 'J' in Hebrew.
Messiah's name is Yeshua or Yahoshua.
Also, Y'shua, which literally translates "Salvation", much like names Faith, Hope and Charity.

Here, if one looks closely and considers deeply, we see that this one name is two, combined, just as the Father and Son are one.

YAH, the shortened and still proper version, but referring more to the Father.
UAH, then referring, in literal extension, to the Son.

Yahannan (John) 5:43
I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me. yet if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

Yah-hannan = God/Yah is gracious. God's grace or mercy/forgiveness.

Here, we see that Messiah not only carries his Father's nam within his own, but he is also hinting that the OTHER one with his OWN name is an or THE anti-messiah.
(opposer and imposter or imposer)
In other words, a false savior.

Could DJT be that man?
Anyone could be, but I think not, although Yah said he would send GREAT DELUSION.
See my "TRUMP TIES" video.
Do I believe he is? NO!
Yet, he should not be considered nor hoped to be our savior, ultimately, not even in this lifetime.
I don't believe any of his fans do.
I like (not love) everything his says.
I love everything he claims to stand for.
Place hope in him, but never faith.

I've gotten off track, but when you consider prophecy, it makes it impossible to separate worldly affairs (politics) from spiritual affairs (religion).

I don't have a religion.
I do my best to follow Messiah.
The life, the truth and THE WAY.
After all, he is the first born LIGHT.

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