Vaccine Syndrome -- How the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine Killed 35,000 Military Men and Women

1 year ago

***WATCH THIS and SHARE*** In September 1999, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13139 mandating that all military service people receive an anthrax vaccine that was not FDA-approved. Clinton should have been the first one to get jabbed. It was an Experimental Vaccine just as the Covid jabs. This should have been on the mainstream news but NOBODY EVER heard about it. Even the protocols were unapproved.

Vaccine Syndrome is a film produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller. It provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine.

The film claims that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a “RAC-GWVI Government Report” published in 2008.

Compare that to how many soldiers have died in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan, which is 6753 at the time of the filming.

The film starts out with a dramatized recreating of Lance Corporal Jared Schwartz, who refused to receive the anthrax vaccine.

He had to face a military tribunal without legal counsel, and read a prepared statement.

That statement can be found online, such as at the website.

The film also mentions how pharmaceutical companies have legal immunity from any injuries or deaths resulting from vaccines, and that the civilian population only has recourse to sue the federal government in a special Vaccine Court.

However, military personnel are prohibited from suing in this court, which is part of the National Vaccine Compensation Program.

Biological weapons can be dangerous for both sides of a conflict. Using them can be like spitting into the wind—you can end up with more in your own face than in the enemy’s. Such weapons can and often have escaped containment. For this and many other reasons, biological weapons have been banned worldwide. Though we are told that some governments, especially in the Middle East, still use them, this comes mostly from the high-level government and military officials who often turn out to be the biggest liars. As a result, I have very low confidence in those sources of information.

Unfortunately, that information has been used to justify forcing vaccines on our military personnel. In September 1999, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13139 mandating that all military service people receive an anthrax vaccine that was not FDA-approved (you know it’s pretty bad when even the FDA doesn’t approve it). Almost one hundred violations were found in the lab that produced the vaccine, and about thirty-five thousand soldiers have died from vaccine-related adverse effects. One vet describes the thirty-five thousand as casualties of friendly fire through a needle. Meanwhile, the number of soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq is just over four thousand. Testimonials from many survivors permanently injured by the vaccine fill this video. Many would rather have taken a bullet than the vaccine. They have been treated worse by their own superiors than by the enemy.

Just to make things a little worse, the anthrax vaccine consists of several shots followed by yearly boosters. Former FDA head of inspections Colonel Sam Young said he would not take this vaccine. Russian Colonel Ken Alibek, MD, PhD—the inventor of weaponized anthrax—said there is no vaccine that works against weaponized anthrax. He also said there is no safe vaccine at all. I’m surprised this video has survived to this point on YouTube.

It is bad enough that we subject so many of our young people to the obscenities of wars of dubious value on the other side of the planet. And it is bad enough that one in three comes back with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But it is beyond disgusting when they are abused and treated like slaves who have no right to decide what is injected into their bodies. They are told they must obey this “lawful order” to get vaccinated, which puts them in the position of having to choose between what is lawful and what is right—which are sometimes two different things. Unfortunately, many older adults still have trouble grappling with the distinction; the concept is especially difficult to contend with in a rigid, authoritarian system like the military. To their credit, many young Americans made the right choice in the face of stiff pressure to follow orders, even though the price of choosing what was right was jail time and a felony on their record. They didn’t all do it for selfish motives but rather in the hopes of helping their fellow soldiers. These individuals showed admirable courage, integrity and character, and I salute them. The thumb is UP.

After knowing this and the covid scamdemic, how could any parent want their children to join the military and potentially be a lab rat?

They were FORCED or would be Court Martialed.

Evil is the world government.

Sources: Health Impact News ---

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