🌠 Pick 3 Cards Oracle Reading – DECISION TIME! 🔮 #shorts

1 year ago

Pick 3 Cards Oracle Reading – DECISION TIME!

You are learning that every challenge you face has a hidden gift inside.
As you get divinely guided and inspired ideas that lead you on your path to realizing your fullest potential, you will be challenged in many ways. Every challenge has a hidden gift inside. These gifts give us strength, help us to open our minds, and see a different perspective. This ultimately helps us create a new reality for ourselves. So, no matter what challenges you are facing, never give up! TRUST that, no matter what, everything will work out for your highest good! When you deliberately take action and intend to step into your greatness, miracles will happen. This card is telling you that you are on the right path. Continue on this path, and no matter what challenges you face, know that they are a part of the process. Trust in your journey and you will surely step into your greatness.

You are learning to synthesize all of your creative ideas into action.
You are a visionary, and what would the world do without visionaries? You are truly plugged into the infinite source of all things creative and grand. You get original, creative, and inspiring ideas that practically come out of nowhere! You are truly an inspiration to others, and they look to you for guidance and creative inspiration! When you dream, you dream big! There is no such thing as small potatoes as far as you are concerned. However, in order for you to bring your visions into reality, you have to learn to start small and expand as time goes on. One of the tendencies of visionaries is that they sometimes put the cart before the horse. Be open to feedback in regard to breaking your vision down into small and tangible action steps. Begin to synthesize all your creative ideas into action. Just remember that before there was a cell phone, there was a land line with a cord a mile long, and next came the cordless phone, and then the cell phone was born! So be prepared to start small and expand even bigger, and as you do so, you will pave the way for your visions to be born!

This is a period of indecision and inner conflict, it is time to make a decision
When you are in conflict with yourself it means that half of you agrees and the other half does not. This creates indecision and confusion! If you are going to do something, do it with your whole heart and put both feet in and jump. If one foot is in front of you, and the other foot is behind you, you create an imbalance. You are not going anywhere, except to possibly fall over. Anytime there is stagnation, it could be because you have not made up your mind which direction you are heading. Are you in or are you out? Make up your mind and choose to resolve this inner conflict. Inner conflict shows up in many ways. It can show up with words such as: "I really want to, but what if someone disapproves", or "I really need this, but I can't right now". All of these are self-sabotage techniques, which keep you from moving forward. If you really want something, let yourself believe that it is possible. It is your soul urging you to do something that is for your highest good at this time. Resolve to make a decision, one way or the other. Just remember that if you stay in inner conflict with yourself, this is a choice. There is no invisible barrier keeping you from moving forward, there is no one to blame. There is only choice! Make up your mind and resolve to do what it takes regardless of what may, or may not, happen. Just do it! Spirit believes in you, do you?

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VIDEO LINK: https://youtube.com/shorts/lahXpnv09pg


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