A killer ChatGPT prompt for repurposing content

11 months ago

Yesterday I saw a post on LinkedIn from Jay Schwedelson with an interesting ChatGPT prompt, as follows.

Repurpose the Newsletter below into a:
Top 10 Checklist
7 Pitfalls to Avoid List
Quick Start Guide with 8 Bulleted Ideas
Linkedin Post with Less than 100 Words
Twitter Post with Less than 280 Characters
Blog post with less than 500 words
Script for TikTok Post
And here is the newsletter to repurpose

I tried it, except for the TikTok part, because I’m a grown up.

This idea is useful to me because I create a daily podcast, do a weekly e-newsletter, and produce a monthly print newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

I don’t want to put the same exact content in each medium, but I also don’t want to have to create brand new content each time.

Using a prompt like this, I can feed ChatGPT the script of my daily podcast and get a lot of ideas about how to transform that content for my e-newsletter.

I didn’t particularly love any of the responses I got from AI, but it’s not too much work to take the top 10 checklist, the 7 pitfalls to avoid, and the 8 bullets in the quick start guide to come up with my own checklist. I can use that list in my e-newsletter.

This general strategy gives me an idea for all the content I’m creating for publishers. The podcast can have one format – more of a narrative. The e-newsletter can focus on practical bullet points.

I’d like the print newsletter to focus on strategic insights, frameworks, mental models, and that sort of thing. If you know of a tool that helps to create those, please let me know. My go to for this sort of thing is to do some Google image searches for “strategic frameworks” and such and glean ideas from the images I find. That works decently well.

Now here’s a final word from Jay.

ChatGPT is super useful as the start of content creation or repurposing. It is rarely the final product. Leveraging it for repurposing content into various forms is a fantastic way to scale your marketing programs...and it spurs lots of new ideas.

I agree with that, although I’d adjust it just slightly to say “marketing and editorial programs.”

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