June 12, 2016 ❤️ Jesus asks... Are you still playing or are you ready?... What's coming, is horrendous

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/06/14/jesus-sagt-ihr-steht-an-der-schwelle-jetzt-jetzt-minute-jesus-says-you-are-on-the-threshold-right-now-any-minute/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

You are on the Threshold… Are you still playing or are you ready? What’s coming is horrendous!

June 12, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the courage and stamina of our Lord Jesus be with us all tonight. Ezekiel just had a warning dream that I want to get out to you right away.

(Ezekiel’s Dream) Two little children were dressed to go somewhere, a little boy and a little girl. They were going to be going out. And they were sitting in the sandbox and playing with a spoon and a little shovel and little bucket. Caught up in their playing in this sand.

All of a sudden, a man that looked exactly like God the Father, with beautiful silver hair and a silver beard, came walking around the corner. And the children, when they saw Him, they realized… ‘Oh my gosh, we’re supposed to be ready to go and we’re not ready!’

This pain shot through their heart like a javelin, right through their hearts. He was not being menacing or intimidating, but there was this power coming forth from His heart, like a javelin. And it went right through their hearts when they realized… ‘Oh, we were supposed to be ready!’

And in the dream, the javelin went right through his heart, and it hit him physically. He could feel it in his chest, so hard, that he couldn’t get out of bed for 15 minutes. When I saw the look on his face, I said… ‘Honey, are you okay?’

(Clare) Ezekiel believes that it was a warning dream for us, not to be slack in prayer. The Lord asked us to pray for the country. Our prayers really, really matter. They’re very powerful. Don’t be distracted by your life and your circumstances. Stay in prayer for our nation and BE READY. Be ready! Don’t be playing around. BE READY. That is so important to Him. He needs our prayers and He needs us to be ready.

None of us, really, has any idea of what this event is going to be like. It is going to be overwhelming and petrifying at the same time. It’s going to be something so powerful and so incredible that it’s gonna literally knock us off our feet.

And if we’re not ready and we’ve forgotten the urgency of the hour, and the warnings the Lord is given us. And we’re sitting there in our little sandbox with our shovels and our spoons and our buckets, just playing? It’s going to be really BAD for us. The Lord needs our prayers and we’re not ready. It’s gonna be really, really bad. And the Lord is warning us – ‘Don’t put this off. Be ready! Now!’

So, please – I’ve taken this to heart and I’m definitely going to check my behavior and the way I’m using my time. And I pray that you will take this to heart, too.

Jesus began… “Well, I wanted to take this occasion to tell My Brides… you know you are on the threshold – right now, any minute. And I don’t want anxiety to overtake you, thinking you will not be raptured. You know who you are, you have been told. I have confirmed it through My servants. I’ve given you teachings on it. All that is left for you is to have faith in My Mercy.

“What is coming is horrendous in scope and there will be unavoidable isolations. That is when you are to CLEAVE TO ME with all your heart and soul. Until then, pray with one another. But when it all happens, pray for each other and stay tightly holding Me as I hold you. The wind will be ferocious, but in My arms it will be a gentle breeze. That is why you mustn’t, for a moment, lose your focus and look outside of Me. I will keep you in My Peace if only you will rely on Me alone.

“Many of you are accustomed to running to each other. This is where I am asking you to run to Me, because you may be in such a location where you cannot communicate with one another. Do not panic. I am there. I am ALWAYS there, without fail. Cleave to Me. Grab a pillow if you must, just know I am holding you. I am omnipotent and omnipresent, and nothing can take you away from Me during these trials. Remember, this will soon be over for you. Very soon.

“Right now My greatest torment is over the unsaved who have not hearkened to My continuous calls to them through their friends, through the media and the still small voice in their hearts. They have not hearkened and I can do little for them in that hour, except perhaps give them a few extra seconds. For others, there will be no time. Their fate is sealed even in this hour, because they have rejected Me so many times their hearts are past hardened.

“Nevertheless, continue to pray. I want to make something clear here. Some of you have been unable to pass on into travail for what is about to happen. But I assure you, that the uneasy and deathly sad feeling you have is a manifestation of travail ‘in the spirit’. You see, a soul and mind are only aware of what they perceive from their spirits. If there is no communication from the spirit, the deep feelings in the soul and mind still reflect what is going on and very often will cause you to go to sleep, because you cannot concentrate and the very core of your being is otherwise engaged, not truly in the present moment.

“So, you are not to condemn yourselves if you don’t pray as others do. You have your portion and some day I will show it to you. Some of you have such gifts and dispositions of pride that it is better for you not to know the intensity of your prayers. I wish you would trust Me on this, Clare. I’m speaking with you, Beloved.”

(Clare) I’m sorry, Lord. I’m ‘otherwise engaged’, I said almost teasingly.

(Jesus) “GOOD ANSWER!! The truth be told, you are indeed and none of being here right now is easy for you. You are one of the ones this is directed towards. No condemnation, My Love. I truly know you much better than you know yourself. Do you believe that?”

(Clare) Absolutely.

(Jesus) “Then trust Me, you are ‘otherwise engaged’ in this life and death struggle for souls who have refused Me. Much is being planned in the Spirit right now. To see it in the physical would easily overwhelm you to the point of unconsciousness. To see it in the spirit is hard enough, even the mention of Orlando and its implications. It’s only the beginning, even that is taking a toll right now and I must say, bringing forth fruit as well, though you are totally unaware of it by My design.

“All of you have been told about these things for months. Now that you see them happening, you can at least have confidence that I am in control and not even a sparrow drops to the ground without My awareness. Nothing on this Earth is easily understood. You only see the tip of the iceberg. But someday in Heaven you will know completely and no longer have any questions as to why this happened here and why that happened there.

“Those of you who are rallied around My heart, continue to pray for the lost and witness where you can. The problem is that until events unfold, hearts will be on the world and not their eternity. That is one reason revival has not come to this country as it will afterwards, when it is completely broken. There are still pockets here and there that have responded, places where graces were received. I rejoice in these and many of your prayers have been applied there and received into good soil.

“Stay alert. Stay prepared. Stay in My Presence and do not get drawn off or distracted, so that you are not constantly aware that at any minute it all could begin. I know it is tiring to keep this in the forefront of your mind, but you cannot afford to let it slide or to forget it. The warning dreams, visions and words are being sent out more intensely and closely together than ever before.

“We are on the last leg of the journey. I am with you. I will never leave or forsake you. No one can snatch you out of My hand, and no one can overcome your soul, which belongs to Me. Please take heart, be strong, have courage. Your reward is not far off. Keep your eyes on your eternity with Me. I love you tenderly and am always taken by your beauty, My Brides.”

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