Guo Shuqing and Yi Gang are sacked, and Pan Gongsheng becomes the Party Secretary of the PBOC

1 year ago

7/1/2023 Guo Shuqing and Yi Gang have both been sacked, while Pan Gongsheng has become the Party Secretary of the CCP's Central Bank. Mr. Miles Guo had exposed Pan Gongsheng's information as early as 2018, stating that he wasn't even qualified to be the Deputy Governor of the PBOC. Mr. Guo also mentioned last year that both Guo Shuqing and Yi Gang would be arrested. Even though Pan Gongsheng has been promoted, he won't be safe because Mr. Guo said he would also be targeted. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see!
#PBOC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/1/2023 郭树清、易纲双双被免职,潘功胜当上中共央行党委书记。郭文贵先生早在2018年就爆过潘功胜的料,他连当央行副行长都不配。郭先生在去年还说,郭树清和易纲都会被抓。而潘功胜即便升职了也不会安全,因为郭先生说他也会被收拾的。你若不相信,咱们走着看!
#中国人民银行 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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