Inner Peace Vision: Exposed.

1 year ago

Hinduism. Yoga. Meditation. Charkas. Pagan, aminism, Idolatry, Demonic.

To say its Biblical Christianity, or the work of the Holy Spirit?

Can you say the words abomination? Blasphemy of Gods word, The Holy Spirit?

Crazy thing her guru acknowledged today that he had seen this video and said that it was abuse. He claims to have a deliverance ministry yet his star recruit is still peddling her so called OLD WAYS? Hey even if one day IPV is removed then Annette and Carl both need to Repent and Renounce their Sin and be Biblically saved according to scripture.

Google Charkas. Read up about it.
There no such thing as Christian Yoga.

To be involved in Yoga of any kind "Oh I do it for the exercise and the well being" is no excuse.

To practice it in any form is to follow and be influenced by Demonic, Pagan Hinduism.

Which the bible calls Idolatry and whoredom, the chasing after other gods. Spiritual Rebellion which ends in eternal separation from God the Father, Heaven at the 2nd death, Hell and eventually the lake of fire.

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