A major accident occurred at a chemical factory in China, creating a massive plume of thick smoke

1 year ago

7/1/2023 A major accident occurred at a chemical factory in Jiangxi Province, Communist China, creating a massive plume of thick smoke and a mushroom cloud at the scene. The number of casualties is unknown, but the only thing that can be certain is that the CCP will definitely cover up the cause of the accident and the number of casualties!
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/1/2023 中共国江西省一化工厂发生重大事故,现场出现巨大浓烟和蘑菇云。伤亡人数未知,但唯一可以确定的是,中共一定会掩盖事故原因和伤亡人数!
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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