Goals and Directives - With each passing moment the worlds

1 year ago

Goals and Directives -

With each passing moment the worlds of Lanea closed within and under the descending current of time. The Ridazi, the Secret Invisible Order, SIO watch along the upper reaches for the first signs of the changes coming into the world. The architecture of this space is the astral field of which they are specifically engaged by the Ingersol through the influence. Standing on this time line presents a dilemma to the consciousness awakening. The picture of reality turns under the momentum of the earth’s magnetic oscillating core.

Once understood by the Senchas and the Reshmansa. From the Senchas the intuititions of the energetic grid of Lanea is being revealed slowly with the Resmansa who decode the secrets being found through the inner working of the Hyrayarch with the Masters of the past ages.

Between the generous pragmatic past and the future’s serious wisdom we gather here to witness the beginning of a new age of personal sovereignty and social consideration. The maps given by the ancients shows the direction is to find the center of intelligence through the Kasamana. The language of the Nelan contains the codes and information necessary to initiate the centers of transcendence.
Conscious of being within the Hyrayarch in a discussion with Zonh on the matters at hand for Teachers and the new alignments this position brings in leadership. In my state now I can still see and know that what is happening is happening for my consciousness is drawing away. The time seated with Zonh in the private balcony over Riusm was clearly compressing to focus in intensity as our thoughts slowed in speed and our attention was focused on previous states of awareness in the mists of time traveling the purposeful inner journey of the Dzyan.

Through this doorway, the inner portal a drawing energy moves the awareness of seeing the larger landscape of time, seeing the inner dimensions of the layers within the connected destinies. In the study and private domain of Zonh in the Hyrayarch sensations of expansion rise a larger comprehensions where the sensation of intelligent purpose brings about the deep meaningful experience of knowledge. In consciousness enhancement a better focus is allowed on each realm where before there was a distant thought forming in the mists of Manasana, ascended voices chant in harmony the song of far off creation.

From the bottom of the tunnel.personality focus on the soul does not require attention in all activities. The meaning of awakened does not always indicate the privacy of thought from the junction with others in relationship. The patterns intermix through life times as if there are strings of light guiding billions in countless numbers of messages, of stories of gifts between the entire scope of creation. I feel the pull again to see layers of lives now between me and this one resting at the edge of future space.

From time lines in accord with the promise of understanding now the one comes which shows the nature of future space. This comes from the realms of imagination as the past is unknown from the lack of interpretation. Through seen where this will go the challenge of time offers up the serious reality of desire and destiny. Through which one offers the commingling of time which produces the exact replica of the world’s truth and expectation. The drifting words and meanings give the taste of truth whereas the fulfillment of its digestion is warmth within every cell of being.

Once the world is gives the future space the key to translate time into ability then the world becomes anew and knows itself again. The pages of the first manuscript written on 72 pages is held in ethereal unmanifest consciousness behind the veil of time lines.

Of the first book there are 72 pages. This book holds keys which are the prime frequencies which will activate upon the connection between three points of harmonic relationship. the stairs of the structure exhibited a ladder approach to graphic relationship design has been able to extrapolate into the dimensions. The harmony of the entangled and interweaving information reveals itself though creative action.

My mind began to lose its focus at that point before realizing the messages where altered. The mind stream was being conflicted. This is the awareness as well as I see Zonh looking at me as we have held this ceremony before in the journeys. He watched as I began to drift into the oblivion I had once been subject to continually. the obscuration and the dementia within conscious reaction. The journey into the higher realms was accompanied by a great the greatest wonder of sensing the blessed state of perfect atonement to the desires of each being to transmutate into the promise of beingness.

Now the falling energies Being the scope of my investigations into parallel and dimensional experiences a difficult twist as my unmarked path has provided a dark corridor which leads into the abyss. The fortunate energies of expansion are being replaced by the compression of darkness. I sense and begin to feel the necessity for survival and the drawing down power from others as the only method of intake of nourishment. the beings here feed on emotion whether the dead flesh of energies not yet escaped into the higher ethers of the decaying drams of pain and anguish between those how have taken in their measure and wounded the lifeform to such extent that the creatures of the deeper darkness arrive and consume the leftover echo of life’s passing embers.

The shadowy depths of experience are bestial usages of the carnal nature to hide the pleasures of the divine presence in beings as you are. the reddish hue of lust and desires may behold the cravings the obsessed to become the fruited loin of the engorged peasantry who fool and smirk at the thought of their own cowardice.

Hidden behind the civilized luxury of cultured stone, marble, stained and carved exotic woods, fine crystal lighting, high visual and audio technology, perfectly clean well designed hallways leading to the private auditorium. There within the Capital of ION at the center point of Riusm upon the founding stones carried to this time from Silanta is the seat of power. Rising 108 stories ION has become the empire upon Lanea. Recognized by force in every way the power of ION manifests throughout all the villages, cities and structures around the world. No islands are free from the influence of ION and the Terminus is the prime mandate and communicator to the masses.

Once the presumption of the underclass are crushed into the particles of forgotten memories and disregarded mythos then the awakened few shall run the world under the mastery of the Iron Fist. The Terminus is the First One and is brought forth as the Prime Mandate and Executive Director of the ARCANUM. Of this point let all who know leadership of the Terminus is based first upon the First Ray Will Force and with the steel grip of absolute power guided by the strength of devoted conviction to create safety and freedom of all interferences to the greater achievements of ION. It is from the Power of ION that all being manifests and so we are those who know the true secret ways of Zyan. To speak of these - masonic - Mzanxk Rites 0f symbol, archecture, geomagnetic currents of inter dimensional force through which the secret masters of the realms of Kyanuna where those who inhabit the worlds are in the images of the secrof rewol.

My mind is awakening and this is an existing time frame where I am standing in the presence of the Terminus, the Council of Mandates, Congress of Directors and Administrative Magistrates. My knowledge is being focused upon and my attention is now being brought into these chambers. My concentration is lost for a bit yet it is like remembering. I am standing upon the podium making the presentation of my thesis on the Arcanum project.

The Arcanum Project was more than the control of citizenry and to bring forth the prototype of the correct individual following the rules of the mandates, the legislation of the magistrates and the directives of the dictates. Of which nothing may operate unless said forth by the Terminus under which all may exist within ION. Understand the magnitude of the system being utilized for the overall control of the populace. The journey leads the average person or drone along a road of pragmatic justification. They sense a depression, rejection and recognition of this world as illusion through which they are injected with programmed memory. These ingrained memories are placed under neuro-linguistic formulas in which stresses are introduced for temporal control management to reset the polarity consciousness with prime frequency dissonance.

A small but lucid example of the process of historical re-education is to make invalid preceding values of parallel, future and foundational cultures. To present a continuity of factual inferences leading to involuntary deductive causality will produce an angular misrepresentation of history which over the passage of will offsets the original reality with a parallel and prejudiced version by a wider and wider margin.

In ancient prehistory and through interdimensional awareness the knowledge, intelligence and quality of life are vastly superior for the masses than the levels of attainment of ION. The empire is strong and pervasive for the Management Elite Corporate Alliance -MECA- while the distance between those disenfranchised continues to escalate. It was agreed by the founders that the directives of the charter of states to create ION as the Primary and Central Authority and influence mass opinion to accept the control of the state over the sovereigns

As the other offices brought forth the pieces of the puzzle for me to see at last my awareness was not ready for such revelation and being freed from the obscuration was of course the most important factor in being able to see.

The Mist between the Fog and distinct realities of content and perception begins to disappear and I begin to move through the portal of time again. Witness the whole way the panorama of events that occurred to bring us to this position of time and viewpoint.

The currency of this time brings each person to the value of their existence. Yet the population is an enslaved citizenry as they are held within a structure of deceit wherein their value has been gifted over to the Platricians. Begin again to find your value.

Corporate War vs Humanity

You are now aware of the differences between Ionian life and IGS - The Terminus issued orders to the primary Dictates for the purpose of instituting control parameters systems infrastructures. Correspondence between the alliances accomplished through majnac languages. The Ridazi ascends Upon the coming of the fourth turn when the patterns are the most transparent. Through current financial influences the Terminus has contained all public corporate investment towards. Through our agents we have received a document of terrible significance. The Truth is now being revealed and as show in the documents to follow. The walk from sustainable civilization towards cultural dystopia is a prison march being managed by a few elite managers of the IGS - International Government Systems. Overall each pattern manifesting upon this layer of information communication has resulted in sovereign loss and dependence upon IGS for daily sustenance and support. The awareness of this document must be seen from the standpoint of their own internal communications following the vernacular of deception.

It is well known now that in the present time here in the heart of the world where I see the vision. The codes are being given now and the awareness is set and the Arcanum project has infiltrated all of the sectors of being. From the Government announcements the message is clear.

The Arcanum is the greatest work of the combined power of the Authority through which IGS Federation operates. Through the office of the Terminus is the dictum of the prime mandate to insure the compliance with this issuance. As stated to which all shall be bound under the conception of thought where each citizen has within these realms of Ionia and the Islands beyond the duty and privilege to engage in commerce and activity. These activities shall be specified through which all individuals will be judged and provided with credentials.

Once the heart is taken from the being’s proud appreciation of character then there will be a diminishing of personal value can be accomplished from its prime importance. Through the power of mental entrainment and social control procedures the operations of the Arcanum will be instituted in the educational systems but the primary principle is cultural hypnotic immersion. The Grand Council of the Ingersol through its underlying organized affiliations within the management bureaucracy are completing all the final stages of the control grid.

The times of before the Silantan Transcendence. It is time to release the information on the codes of awakening for the masses.

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