3 ~ Sanctuary of Light ~

11 months ago

Breathe in and breathe out.
Breathe in and breathe out.
Breathe in and breathe out.

Breathe in and breathe out with the sound of earth and the voice of humanity. Feel Love spiral between the shining Golden Sun reflected by the clear full face of the moon, to lift up with sacred energy, humanity, and your planetary being. Breathe and sing out the energy and let a part of you lift up as you withdraw from the personality consciousness and its concerns. Enter deeply into the presence of the soul. Feel yourself grounded as a soul within the field of Light, Love, and Spiritual Power. Begin to merge yourself as a soul into a deep sense of the group soul.

Feel a golden ring of light circled around in every direction filling all with the sacred circle of Love, comfort, and peace. Unifying with the soul, with the spiritually minded people of the world, and with the goodwill of all humanity. Visualize the group soul of the Gold Ring merging with the One soul of humanity. Realize there is no my soul and thy soul. Deeply realize you are All That Is. Use your imagination to see the rainbow bridge aligning the group in service. See all the energies colored with the seven colors. See the deep indigo blue reaching into the realms of the sacred triangle. See the shining ones and enjoy the stream of the central strand of vivid divine intelligence of the white light from the point of now following the course of the Central Sun.

In this presence of the great light of the sacred triangle, know and feel the presence of the Shining Ones, the Teachers of Light, the larger Family of Light, the planetary being of our world, and the divine Central Sun. At this moment you enter into Oneness into the festival. The ceremony begins and the Shining Ones concentrate energy to speak the Great Invocation.

From the point of Light within the mind of God, let Light stream forth into our minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the heart of God let Love stream forth into our hearts.
May Love increase on Earth.
From the Center, where the will of God is known, let purpose guide our wills,
the purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call humanity let the plan of Love and Light work out and
may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the plan on earth.
Let Light, Love, and Power restore the plan on earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore All That Is.

Your attunement to the higher world is given as you have asked within the Invocation. See the Shining Ones with your guides and planetary guidance of the Ascended Masters in a Golden Ring of Light holding, protecting, and guiding the Divine Plan. Silently and quietly prepare for the moment of enlightenment. The Angel of the Golden Sun touches each one with the group soul ,with a ray of Love. Deep within the sound of the heart’s pulsations, bring renewal and energy to life. In attainment of universal vision there is enlightenment.

In your heart, let rise within and upward your center of being into a rising stream of community. Feel the power of your release, a new energy form raise you above the cross of matter and ascend into its higher being. Feel the Angels and Masters around you in the ceremony of giving of enlightenment. The Angels and the Masters are all around you within this ceremony. It is the ceremony of giving of enlightenment. As you receive and give all that you are, let yourself become a fountain. Pour into the ocean of Spirit your soul to be restored and renewed. In enlightened awareness and divine Oneness your consciousness accepts all humanity and invokes the passing through the open door into a higher state of being. You are an overflowing ocean of infinite energy sharing Oneness in a ceremony of divine blessing.

There is Oneness now as the Central Sun, the Solar Sun, the moon’s reflected Light, and all humanity are guided by the Shining Ones into the point of Light within. The Teachers of Light guide all into awakening. Let this time pass within group silence for eight minutes upon the ending tone. Remain in deep stillness and bless the world and hold the energy of creation in your heart of Love.


There is a loving, eternal and personal side to the universe where all sentience is cherished as part of a caring family, and then there is an impersonal structure organized operation that is formed of laws and universal principles. These two sides interact and create the universe that is known and the time/space matrix within a creative imaginative flow that is only limited by its nature of being. That nature of being is derived from the logos or Universal Mind to be in accord with its own intent.

The continuity then is that, what something becomes is based upon what it is. This statement is only applicable for the Third Dimension as this is the arena of change and transformation. The unfolding and refolding of time/space allows for variation of the theme, yet the playing field is always the same. The energy is always the underlying energy of everything. It all dissolves back into the One.

As the energy dissolves back into the One and is reformed, the consciousness and experience that is part of the Divine Mind, grows into an expansionary field of further soul paradigms and spiritual being. The energy of the souls enter, what is called through myth, the heavens. The heavens are where the energy patterns that have been created by intelligent sentience are given domains of eternal infinite continuity.

This is the field of love where there is acceptance and unification of Oneness that holds value and appreciation through joy, bliss, wisdom and perfection. From human perspective this is impossible to imagine as the time space fields of the Third Dimensional separated structures of linear unfolding and spatial displacement are incompatible with the higher Dimensional structure.

The Third Dimensional process requires what is known as judgment or transmutation to allow acceptable information to pass through into the higher realms. What is acceptable to this heavenly state is perceived as vibrations which are in harmony with the Prime Creator and in alignment with the supporting energy structure.

Energy is part of the unified field and transforms between substance and Light. The Mind operates on a mental/emotional architecture based in conscious creative sentience and subconscious primordial intentions. These follow the courses of a process of evolutionary ascension to achieve an ever greater expansion of living being.

The supporting energy that underlies the living sentience is the strata of mind essence and has a Universal Divine Creative awareness that is known as the Prime Creator. The Prime Creator is not singular, as a separate entity, as it is the All itself. and is, in essence everything that is imagined or existing. The creative being that exists is All, no less and no more. All is All. When there is dissonance within the All it is considered illusion, for the possibility of the All being in conflict with itself is contradictory, and an ontological conundrum.

The internal Dimensional structure allows for this paradox to be considered from a more practical application. Within the process of creation is an unfolding, growing and transforming process where as one experience wanes another waxes into expression. This is the level of the Third Dimensional mechanics as the space/time field allows for the laying out of lives along time streams within spatial orientations. This is not the only realm wherein the Third Dimension can operate in this manner.

Every particle within the Third Dimension is a hologram of the whole and so the experiences within this hologram are a replica of a larger model. Once there is a thought that is connected to the hologram the thought produces an energy of variety due to interactions. Thoughts are like a geometric array that are produced in a reactive/creative matrix. That reactive/creative matrix is a point in time and space where there is an event.

An event is a perspective point so that all the interactions within that point of time and space, which is an omni-centric crossing or consciousness and awareness, where the stream flows out into multiple and infinite numbers of realities.

Thought is the key that opens the Grand Portal and allows the soul carrier, the being that is named to hold identity as an I Am, and in this I Am is the atom, the seed, the origin, the essential spirit emanating from the soul that holds the vessel of the sacred water of consciousness. When a being is in the mist, or in the flux, or in the transformational period, the stream of change, there is a timelessness that occurs as the being mediates between the past and future in the Second, Third and Fourth Dimensional levels of interaction.

The Second, Third and Fourth Dimensions are very much inter-related as they express the substructure of the elemental holographic flavor of reality on the physical or itemized level of the Second Dimension, to the probability zonal/ emotional/astral/mental/tonal vibratory weaving super-structure of the Fourth Dimension, and then there are the points of interaction where the thought forms become manifest as the points in time and space become realities of perspective in the Third Dimension.

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