Occult Disney #3: Pinocchio, the Pineal Gland and Metamorphoses

1 year ago

Pinocchio, the pine-eye (pineal third eye) is a gnostic story of a wooden homunculus, who is given the gift of consciousness and then reenacts part of The Metamorphoses of Apuleius, a book of magic and necromancy which also happens to be the only ancient Roman novel in Latin to survive in its entirety. Pinocchio is a combination of Metamorphoses, Gnostic writings and even revolutionary political writings which align with Mazzini and the Carbonari (Italian "Illuminati").

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Originally aired as "Aural Hygiene 126", and then @mattcomegys and I ended up making this a full-blown series called "Occult Disney" which I'm posting here on youtube!

Be sure to give @mattcomegys a sub if you like this series!

You can find Matt's podcast anywhere you stream your podcasts, look for "Aural Hygiene: Psychotronic Film Reviews"

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuralHygienePod

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