1 year ago

**WARNING, GRAPHIC VIDEO** Before you watch this I want to be very clear, this video is very upsetting, but is incredibly important.
Millions of innocent children are trafficked every year for sex slavery, rape, torture and Adrenochrome. Elite Pedophile bloodlines who rule our world control the child sex trafficking rings worldwide. Many famous people are involved in this evil. A lot of those in the cabal are cannibals & pedovors. These parasites are behind the 424,000+ missing children every year in the US & 8 million worldwide, many of whom are imprisoned in DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases).

There are 131 active DUMBS in the United States. 1477 worldwide. They cost $17 - $19 BILLION each. All are connected. The cabal use them for trafficking & adrenochrome harvesting kids as well as DNA experiments in cloning labs.
What is Adrenochroming of innocent children? When a child knows they're going to die their body secretes adrenaline. The child is terrorized and screaming, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the Adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.

President Trump signed an Executive Order calling for the death penalty for anyone involved in crimes against humanity or treason. These people arrested are to be given a tribunal and sentenced to execution or life in prison. The guilty are in very high positions.

I believe that most of those in the cabal have been arrested and/or executed
Here's a list of alleged arrests and executions: https://rumble.com/v2cf654-full-list-of-alleged-arrests-and-executions.html

My truth social:

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