How to use ChatGPT for content creation

1 year ago

There was some conversation at the Renewd Summit earlier this week about how to use artificial intelligence in content generation. Today I’m going to give you six ideas to consider to incorporate AI-powered writing into your workflow.

1. Get new ideas. Let’s say you write a newsletter about electric power transmission, and you’re trying to fill out your editorial calendar. You can ask ChatGPT, “How are advancements in renewable energy impacting electric power transmission systems?”

If you’re not sure what to ask, ask ChatGPT what to ask. You can say, “I write a newsletter on electric power generation and I need new ideas for articles. What prompts should I use?”

It really is a chat bot. It’s very different from Midjourney, where you have to construct the perfect prompt, and it doesn’t remember from one request to the next what you asked.

2. Get keyword suggestions. Ask ChatGPT something like this: “I want to write an article about how advancements in renewable energy are impacting the electric power transmission system. What keywords should I target in the article?”

3. Create a first draft. Once you have an idea for an article, ask ChatGPT to write it for you. You can give it a target word count, and you can even ask it to write in your style, provided you first upload some content so it knows what your style is. You can also ask it to write for a particular audience, or age group.

But don’t use ChatGPT’s text, and don’t believe any of its alleged data. Be sure to fact check it, because it does hallucinate sometimes. It’s funny that we talk about computers hallucinating, but … that’s the crazy world we’re living in now.

4. Check your word choices. Once you have your article the way you want it, ask ChatGPT to make suggestions about how to make it more valuable for your target audience. For example, upload the article to ChatGPT and ask “how can I make this article more appropriate and useful for people in the electric power transmission industry?”

5. Summarize or expand. Once you have your final article, use ChatGPT to write a brief summary, or ask it to expand the article into a longer, more details version. You can also ask it to write a Tweet or other social media post to promote the article.

If you’re really ambitious, you can (6) use Open AI’s application interface to integrate ChatGPT into your content management system.

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