Halo in Virtual Reality

1 year ago

Have you ever wanted to play Halo in VR? Well now thanks to this new game.

Check out - https://www.youtube.com/@UCOL6NySE5KIwJgN60lmhEYw

VR games have been getting better and better and Halo games have been getting worse and worse :( Well now a dedicated Halo fan over on YouTube is trying to redress the balance.

Now thanks to FiringPin studios over on Youtube you can download a beta of his new VR game called Halo Containment. Harry has spent years working on 4 levels of classic Halo gameplay for VR and Im sure youll agree that it looks phenominal. There are 4 full levels to try out but as the game is still in beta we should see more improvements as time goes.

Head over to his youtube channel linked in the description and the comments and sign up for access to the beta

From the look of it this is one experience you dont want to miss out on.

#haloinfinite #halovirtualreality #virtualreality #vr

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