Elites PERSECUTE “populists” to “SAFEGUARD DEMOCRACY;” Bolsonaro BANNED, US foreign intervention.

1 year ago

The Brazilian Supreme Court has just deemed Jair Bolsonaro, the former "far-right" president and ally to Trump, ineligible from holding ANY public office until 2030.

This is part of a global movement to sideline and discredit any "populist" candidate, which by definition is a candidate that channels the concerns of ordinary people against the elite. Elites see it as their duty to push out any of these candidates, they don't hide it. It is the central argument of "How Democracies Die," a book written by two Harvard political scientists hailed as "the most important book of the Trump era" by the New York Times (NYT).

The efforts in Brazil have been funded and led by the US defense department, a continuation of the United States long history of foreign intervention in Latin America.

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