The Souls Journey #5- The Grasp of Addiction

1 year ago

This week on The Souls Journey we meet with special guest Lulu Laio, owner of Infonite Neart Healing.

Many people believe that the best kind of learning is through experience, and that is exactly how Lulu became the highly regarded, relatable, & compassionate holistic therapist that she is today. At her lowest point she was an IV meth/heroin/cocaine user who could not get through a few hours without a fix. The kind of disconnection from Self that addiction led her down, was also filled with emotional/physical/sexual abuse, suicide attempts, near death experiences, multiple psychiatric and treatment center admissions, and legal troubles. Her story also includes marriage/divorce, same-sex relationships, motherhood, postpartum depression, unethical boundary violations from her own therapist, and navigating cultural differences. Healing through these numerous personal challenges has given Lulu a unique perspective on life, the soul's journey, and an unparalleled ability to hold sacred space for many clients with deep emotional wounds.

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