Return To Your Body A Poem

1 year ago

When we are feeling lost

When we are feeling lost, it is natural to turn to others for help. In our fast-paced lives, it isn't always easy to take the time to tune into our feelings and experience the subtle within us. When we are feeling disconnected or unable to navigate our lives in the way we would like to, it is important to return to our bodies.

We can do this by slowing down and taking a few deep breaths. Setting aside time to simply reflect and be present at the moment can be calming and can help to bring clarity to our current situations. Self-care activities such as meditation, yoga, and mindful walking can further provide a space of nourishment and understanding.

In being kind to our physiological and emotional being, we shift the energy and access a new language of self-love. From this place, we can move forward with alignment and presence. We can dedicate to learning from our experiences and accessing intuition to create the life we deeply desire.

There is something about the human body

There is something special about the human body. It is a miraculous container that holds our souls, minds, and emotions. It is a vehicle that carries us through life. It provides us with the tools to explore the world and helps us reach our potential.

The power of our bodies to adapt, heal, grow and nurture is truly remarkable. The complexity of our bones, muscles, and organs, and how we can control our bodies to do extraordinary feats, is breathtaking. We are capable of immense physical strength as well as incredible feats of mental and emotional depth.

Our bodies serve as vessels of life-giving energy. They house the amazing spirit of our soul and the racing thoughts of our minds. As humans, we are constantly in a state of creation - creating emotions, relationships, and experiences. Every part of our body directs us toward something new and helps us form the story of our lives.

There is something special about the human body. Its strength and beauty are unparalleled. Its capacity to rejuvenate and heal is unlimited. Its grace and power allow us to reach our highest potential. Truly, the body is an incredible vessel!

And when we take the time to listen,

And when we take the time to listen,
We open our minds to this joyous mission.

To reconnect and to heal,
In our hearts a deep longing to feel.

Through practice and letting go,
The stillness of inner peace grows.

Return to your body,
Let it bring you freedom and tranquility,
Take a deep breath and discover,
The spirit of life is all around us.

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