Cryptography: Seof Golang encrypted os.file

11 months ago

**We dive into cryptography topics, filesystem internals, attack vectors and mitigations, etc.**

We explain the internals for seof.File a Golang drop-in replacement for os.File. As per its website : Encrypted drop-in replacement of golang' os.File, the file stored in disk will be encrypted, and the resulting type can be used anywhere an os.File could be used. i.e. it can be both sequentially and randomly read and write, at any file position for any amount of bytes, can be truncate, seek, stats, etc. i.e. Read, ReadAt, WriteAt, Seek, Truncate, etc.

0:00 Start
0:48 What is SEOF?
1:58 Why you Want Something Like This?
12:12 How do you Use It?
13:58 Roughly How it Works?
20:05 File Structure
26:30 Code Overview
29:10 Command Line Interface
32:35 Soak Test
36:10 Theoretical Attack Vectors Discussion
51:30 Usage and Final Words

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