MR. NON-PC - Deputy Donut To The Rescue! Why Back The Blue Is A Sham...

1 year ago

I'm sure everyone has heard of the "back the blue" movement, that basically was founded to counteract the LibTurd "defund the police" movement. And you still see the signs in peoples yards, but there is definitely a double standard with "backing the blue" if you know what I'm talking about.

Who can remember how in the summer of 2020 how the "blue" idly stood, and allowed the BLM Buttsuckin' Riots to commence, and even knelt to the lunacy of it. And they also allowed Antifa as well, to go around firebombing federal buildings with little to no consequence!

And the sad part is how the police have allowed the sky-high rise in black on black crime, black on white hate crimes and all out lawlessness to a certain level!

There was a recent story this week from around the horrible Pittsburgh area where I currently reside where a church was robbed to the tune of $12,000....all while the police station WAS DIRECTLY BEHIND THE CHURCH!!! AhahahahahaaA!!!!

What are these "deputy donut" police really good for anymore? And why do the majority accept the insane double standard of "policing" in the year 2023?

And the biggest thing people gotta realize is, it the police aren't pursuing and going after REAL CRIME and REAL CRIMINALS, then who does that leave them to come after??? Oh....that's right....THE AVERAGE CITIZEN THAT THEY KNOW CAN PAY THEIR FINES!!!!

Realize the double standards in the police world and know that they're out to get anyone they can.

Don't put yourself in a place or predicament where "the blue" will come after you!!!


Church in Turtle Creek increases security after burglars steal $12,000 worth of items

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