General Pershing's Return 1919

1 year ago

Gen. Pershing and the 1st Division are welcomed in New York City, Philadelphia, Wilmington (Dela.), and Washington. Reel 1, Gen. Pershing, Gen. March, and Sec. of War Baker arrive by ferry at a New York pier. Pershing rides to City Hall where Gov. Al Smith greets him. Crowds cheer Pershing in Central Park. Pershing leads the 1st Div. down 5th Avenue. Baker, March, Smith, Mayor Hylan, John Wanamaker, and Sec. of the Treasury McAdoo review the 1st Div. In Philadelphia, Pershing is greeted by Gov. Sproul and Mayor Smith, plants a tree at Independence 1124 Hall, inspects cadets at Wanamaker's store, and arrives at the Union League. Gen. Pershing speaks to crowds from a train platform in Wilmington. Reel 2, Vice Pres. Marshall, Baker, and March meet Pershing at Union Station in Washington. Marshall and Pershing motor to the Shoreham Hotel. Pershing attends a track meet at Central High School and a baseball game at Griffith Stadium with Clark Griffith. Marshall, Baker, and Pershing review a 1st Division parade.

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