Confirmed - Formaldehyde & Benzene are in the Smoke Coming from Canada MJTruth 6-29-2023

1 year ago

Confirmed - Formaldehyde & Benzene are in the Smoke Coming from Canada MJTruth 6-29-2023
First, some context…
On June 2, longtime Geological Watchdog Michael Janitch aka DutchSinse, discovered all of South East Canada caught on fire, at the same exact time, on a clear day!
This appears to be an act of terrorism or an attack, or at the very least, a coordinated event.
Fast forward to today, almost a month later, the fires are still raging… As of June 27, there are 480 active fires across the country, with 251 out of control and 152 under control, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.
People in various states are reporting (myself included), a plastic-like smell with symptoms such as agitated, watery, or burning eyes, difficulties breathing… etc
Many have been speculating based off of videos where people are using handheld meters detecting highly toxic levels of formaldehyde.
The Michigan Department of Environment confirms this as well as other sources. Their explanation…
"Wood fires emit a lot of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Most of these VOCs are noticeable to our noses as the familiar "campfire" smell, but they break down quickly when exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. Other VOCs like benzene, formaldehyde
and acrolein are also released and they outlast the "campfire" VOCs.”
So… the smoke coming from these Canadian fires into the US is highly toxic, more so in some areas.
All evidence suggests the fire that started in Canada was deliberate. It’s hard to refute after seeing video evidence of numerous fires starting in so many places over such a vast area, on a clear day.
For What purpose?
It’s only speculation, but my opinion is that I am just about 100% certain the Covid Jabs & boosters disabled millions of peoples immune systems. All of the sudden, cancer rates are skyrocketing? Add formaldehyde & Benzene, both carcinogenic.
Stay indoors if it’s bad in your area.
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