RFK coroner, Thomas Naguchi, debunks official story

1 year ago

Thomas Naguchi, the coroner for RFK, plainly tells us that there was soot in his hair shavings which tells us that a gun had to have been triggered within inches of his head. Scientifically speaking, Soot travels only a few inches when a gun is fired.

Once Naguchi discovered this, he did ballistics tests that proved that the shot was "one inch from the head of his right ear, only three inches BEHIND the head."

But here is the kicker, Karl Eucker, the man in between Kennedy and Sirhan, specifically told authorities that he "never got close enough for a point blank shot." Not only this, he never got behind him because they refrained him as he shot the remaining bullets wildly into the crowd.

So, not only was Sirhan not close enough to fire the kill shot but he wasn't behind him.

So who could have been the second gunman?

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