My Journey to Sober Partying!

1 year ago

I used to rely on alcohol and drugs to have a good time on a night out.

Now, I go out to clubs without drinking and share amazing nights with people I’m close with, who also don’t drink.

Many times, since being in Ibiza, people have come up to me and those I’m with, saying we’re all glowing and radiating positive energy.

Energy is real, and we are energetic beings in an energetic universe. When we take alcohol, it affects our vibration, lowers our inhibitions, and not to mention, it’s a poison.

When I first realised that I could have a better time, engage in more in-depth conversations, and truly savor each moment of a night out without drinking, compared to barely remembering what happened the night before, it was a big transformation.

I receive messages from people who say they are done with all these bad habits like drinking and doing drugs, but then they go straight back to them on the weekends.

That’s precisely why I created the Holistic Mastery Method—to help people through these addictions and vices and make a positive, lasting transformation in their lives.

To find out more, follow the link in my bio.

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