2023 Candidate for Nashville Metro Council At Large - Howard Jones

1 year ago

Howard Jones, Jr. is a dedicated candidate running for Nashville Metro Council At Large in Davidson County. With a rich background as a father, faith leader, and veteran school administrator, Howard brings a unique perspective and a strong work ethic to the table. He has a genuine commitment to serving his community and making a positive impact on the lives of marginalized individuals.

Howard's passion for community development is evident in his various endeavors, from his service in the Juvenile Court System to his ownership of Kingdom Cafe & Grill. Through programmatic initiatives, he strives to improve the life trajectory of those from disadvantaged backgrounds, addressing crucial issues such as living-wage jobs, affordable housing, food insecurity, and a fair public safety system. As a Bold, Pragmatic Leader, Howard embodies the drive to bring about meaningful change.

Your vote matters because Davidson County needs an At-Large Council Member who prioritizes the long-term welfare of the next generation, rather than focusing solely on short-term goals. Howard aims to prepare the county for the jobs of the future and advocate for the needs of neighborhoods. With his deep understanding of the challenges Nashvillians face, such as violent crime, high property taxes, and under-resourced schools, he is determined to work collaboratively with residents and tackle these issues head-on.

Howard's "One Nashville" Plan encompasses a vision for safer streets, improved schools in every neighborhood, economic growth, and a fiscal path that lightens the burden on seniors and vulnerable families. He is committed to building fairness and opportunity for all, actively involving communities in strategies to promote public safety, supporting equitable access to quality education, ensuring economic mobility, preserving neighborhood identity through parks and public spaces, and developing affordable housing options. Additionally, Howard emphasizes the importance of creating safe and reliable mobility choices that prioritize walking, biking, and transit. Learn more about his candidacy:
Website: https://www.votehowardjones.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/votehowardjones
YouTube: https://www.instagram.com/hejonesjr/

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