Jesus, the Glory of God

1 year ago

Jesus, The Glory Of God

“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split.” Matthew 27:51

The curtain was symbolic of a physical and spiritual barrier that separated us from the glory of God in the Holy of Holies.

With the tearing of the temple curtain God was opening the way for all people to speak to Him directly.

Jesus' entire life demonstrated the glory of God, but the crucifixion was its pinnacle. Through Jesus, we have seen God's love, and have begun to live.

Today, take a moment to reflect on how Jesus has given us access to the glory of God. Spend time in praise and thanksgiving for this revelation.

God of Glory, we praise you for wanting to be known and seen. We praise you that your love alone makes us whole and reconciles us to you. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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