On the Campus: Is Christianity Good or Bad for the World? (Purdue)

1 year ago

Dr. Corey Miller has been traveling to college campuses throughout the United States engaging with students on matters that matter. What do college students believe about God, the Bible, Jesus, morality, eternity, and other things? The answers may (or may not) shock you.

In this video, Dr. Miller gets Purdue University students' thoughts on the question, “Is Christianity Good or Bad for the World?”

A secondary question to consider is “Whom (or what) defines and decides what “good” and “bad” is?”

For further insight and study on this topic, Ratio Christi has produced the following free e-book: https://ratiochristi.org/product/is-christianity-good-or-bad-for-the-world/

Want to discuss this issue further? Your local Ratio Christi chapter would love to connect and dig deeper with you. Here is where you can find a local Ratio Christi chapter: https://ratiochristi.org/chapters/

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